日期 dates: 6/18/2018–7/27/2018 (6 weeks) 時間 times: 09:00 am–03:00 pm (before and after care can be arranged by charging extra ) 對象 children ages: 5 years old to 12 years old (maximum 18 students) 地點 Location: 聖峪華協中心 SFVCCA Heritage Center (8224 Yolanda Ave., Reseda, CA 91335) PS: The camp may be cancelled if the enrollment is less than 6 students. 報名費 registration fee: $30.00 (waived if enrolled before May 12, 2018) 費用含材料費 Tuition / materials fees included: $350.00 for every two weeks (discount applies if more than two weeks) 午餐自備 self- packed lunch 報名 Registration: 請填報名表,並洽中文學校老師,聯絡電話 please see the contacts below and call for more details. 聯絡 Contacts: SFVCCA Chinese school office Rose Liu / [email protected] / 818-341-3930 (leave a message) Steve Cheng / 818-610-9883 (leave a message) Sylvia Ho / 818-357-7154 (leave a message) 課程內容 Program consist of: 09:00 am–11:00 am: 主題式中文教學 Mandarin lesson plan will be followed Thematic approaching. 11:00 am–12:00 pm: 字的故事 - 書法(手指謠,成語,古詩,遊戲)Story about Chinese Characters using calligraphy. 01:00 pm–3:00 pm: Cultural classes/activities. Please download SFVCCA 2018 Summer Camp Registration Form 12:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Saturday, May 12th, 2018 Location: Granada Hills Charter High School Court Yard (10535 Zelzah Ave, Granada Hills, CA 91344) Activities:
CEC (健華社) and Northridge Public Library present a lecture in Popular medical science (in English) “Rapid Diagnosis of Any Illness Through Genomics - Cutting Edge Advances in Clinical Medicine” Speaker: M.D.-Ph.D Charles Chiu, UCSF Professor of Medicine. Expert on infectious diseases. An undisputed leader in the field reported by TIME (photo). Grown up in the San Fernando Valley, attending public schools through college and medical school. A Lecture understandable to laymen to cover amazing applications on:
Time: 3pm, Saturday, March 24, 2018 Place: Northridge Public Library, 9051 Darby Ave (at Nordhoff), 818-886-3640. All are welcome. No reservation required. Capacity audience expected. Come early for good seating. LECTURE ABSTRACT: Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) is an emerging technology that can enable detection of any pathogen – virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite – in a single test. Here I will describe clinical applications of the mNGS approach for (1) diagnosis of infections in hospitalized patients, (2) public health surveillance of the global Ebola and Zika virus epidemics, and (3) sequencing in space aboard the International Space Station and in support of future cis-lunar and Mars missions. We will also discuss ongoing efforts to apply machine learning and deep learning strategies – used recently by Google’s AlphaGo artificial intelligence (AI) program to master Chess and Go – to diagnose infections by leveraging large amounts of clinical sequencing data, and present the use of a portable sequencer (the MinION sequencer by Oxford Nanopore Technologies) to screen for the next outbreak that may arise from the developing world. In the near future, we may be able to rapidly and accurately identify any illness, infectious or non-infectious, thus radically transforming our approach to the diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients with acute infectious diseases. For more information: http://nextgendiagnostics.ucsf.edu http://chiulab.wpengine.com http://chiulab.ucsf.edu 日期:2018年3月11日,星期日,下午2時30分至5時 地點 SFVCCA Heritage Center 8224 Yolanda Ave. Reseda, Ca.91335 講員: 1. 許希聖會長 (Alan Hsu, 花哥,南加州及北美台大校友會前會長,南加州各大園藝班講師)- 居家園藝的喜樂,兼談種植東南亞特殊水果(釋迦,青棗, 荔枝,龍眼,蓮霧,楊桃) 2. 閔燕頡博士 (Jay Min, 都教授,電機博士,臉書園藝新天地創版人,專攻芒果種植,養蜂,園藝種植研究)- GMO OMG! 他將基因改造果樹,食品有深入的探討。 各位會員暨華協的朋友: 一元復始,萬象更新,春回大地,又是春耕的時節,本會特再度邀請許希聖先生(Alan Hsu) 及閔燕頡博士,前來聖峪華協多元文化中心舉辦講座,分享他們居家園藝心得,以居家園藝來推動健康生活,提昇生活樂趣及品質。 許希聖先生2013年3月、2014年4月、2015年3月15日及2016年3月16日,2017年3月4日,先後五次應邀在本會中心演講,他的住家「百果園」,種植約200餘棵,果樹及各類蔬菜,並獲得「環保園藝達人」與「省水達人」及「花哥」等雅號,每年應南加各社團之邀約,講座超過20場次,和許希聖一起來助陣演講的園藝達人「都教授」,閔燕頡博士(Jay Min) 口才一流,他是臉書[園藝新天地]創版版主。 二位講員將就各種水果蔬菜之特性、種植技巧、如何因應南加特殊氣候因素、環保節水、有機種植蔬果等詳加解說,當然也會帶領我們複習各種花果樹木嫁接、果樹修剪、接枝繁殖,「高壓接枝」、「空中生根」等等。 今年南加再逢乾旱,任職於加州州政府環保局的許希聖會長也是「省水達人」,會教們省水、節水及環保種植! 演講會後將與本會會員交流,並回答各項園藝相關問題,請盡量發問,會後也將舉辦種子交換及贈送蔬果花苗交誼活動。許希聖會帶菜苗及果苗,分贈參加的朋友。 敬請踴躍參加 請電楊賢怡報名 [email protected] 聖峪華協會長何寶輝暨全體理事 聖峪華協中文學校校長李瓊書,副校長鄭允嘉、楊賢怡 聖峪華協基金會主委陳梓湖 敬邀 |
San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association (SFVCCA) Archives
February 2024