Featuring top award-winning magicians from China Acrobats Association
Magicians' Profile When: Wednesday, January 22 at 7:30PM Where: Plaza Del Sol Performance Hall, CSUN ( PDS is Localed at F4 area in CSUN Map , close to USU ) Parking: G3 Parking Garage is recommended. See detail below. LOCAL Contact: Rose Wang 818 667-5280 [email protected] (Primary Contact) Holly Wang 王 暉 WeChat ID: HuiWangLA (818) 314-5054 Luyi Li: Wechat ID: xuanpai2712 Sylvia Ho 賀珊 (818) 832-7730 Jack Chen 陳梓湖 (818) 886-4608 Po F. Ho 何寶輝 (818) 456-3401 May Wu 伍玫 (818) 468-8880 Irene Williams 李瓊書 (818) 357-7154 Rose Liu 劉玉? (818) 279-1054 Cynthia Lin 林曉青 (818) 312-0595 Eric Wang (818) 726-3768 Barbara Lee (818) 883-4536 All proceeds will benefit the San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association - Chinese Heritage Foundation This show is sponsored by CSUN China Institute and San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association
Map and Parking in CSUN:
CSUN has enforced parking policy, please pay for guest parking. Plaza del Sol Performance Hall (Parking Lot G3) Self-parking is conveniently located near The Plaza del Sol Performance Hall (PDSPH) in Parking Lot G3 at the corner of Zelzah Ave. and Prairie St. (on the west side of the CSUN campus). From this parking lot, you have the option to take a 5- to 10-minute walk to the PDSPH.
魔術師簡介 Magicians' Profile
陈 建 (Chen Jian) 陈智玲 (Juliana Chen) 丁 洋 (Ding Yang) 辛亚飞 (Xin Yafei) 杨小磊 (Yang Xiaolei) 于泊然 (Yu Boran) 朱明珠 (Zhu Mingzhu)
陈 建 (Chen Jian)
魔术业余爱好者,从事魔术表演多年。表演的节目《三仙归洞》是中国传统戏法,用一根筷子、两个碗、三个球,可以使三球在两碗之间来回变幻,是中国非物质文化遗产之一。 Mr.Chen Jian is an amateur magician while he has engaged in magic performances at informal stage for many years. The magic trick of balls is a traditional Chinese trick which is one of the Chinese intangible cultural heritage. The magician could change the positions of the three balls from one bowl to the other.
陈智玲 (Juliana Chen)
出生于中国湖南省长沙市,曾是一名杂技演员,1984年开始从事魔术艺术表演。先后在国内多次获得金奖,成为全国最佳魔术师。1992年,她荣获国际魔术师同业会(IBM)冠军。1996年,先后在德国和西班牙国际魔术大赛中获得冠军。1997年,获得世界魔术大赛(FISM)冠军。该赛事自1947年起,每三年一届,堪称魔术界奥林匹克。陈智玲是第一位获得桂冠的中国人,也是第一位获此头衔的女性,由此获得魔术“第一夫人”的美誉。她一直致力于中国魔术对外发展,是中国魔术对外交流的主要桥梁之一。 Mrs. Juliana Chen was born in Changsha city, Hunan province, China. She was an acrobat and start to engage in magic in 1984. She has been won many gold medal awards at home and abroad including in the convention of International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM), the International Competition in Germany and Spain, as well as the championship in the convention of the International Federation of Magic Societies (FISM) in1997. The convention is taken as the Olympic games in Magic which held every three years since 1947. Juliana Chen is the first Chinese magician to win the championship . Since she is also the first female to win the championship thus gain the reputation of “First Lady” in Magic. Juliana Chen has been devoting herself to the development of Chinese magic and is one of the main bridges connecting Chinese magic with abroad.
丁 洋 (Ding Yang)
中国魔术“金菊奖”获得者。丁洋是中国优秀青年魔术师的杰出代表之一,代表作《变鸽子》充分展示了其唯美的表演风格和娴熟的表演技法,将传统魔术表演提高到一个新的高度。2015年荣获中国魔术“金菊奖”比赛金奖。近年来丁洋陆续登上法国电视TV2和美国“Magic Live”等知名魔术舞台,展示了中国青年魔术师的风采。 Mrs. Ding Yang is one of the representative of Chinese outstanding young magicians. Her masterpiece "Pigeon magic" fully shows her aesthetic performance style and skills, and brings traditional magic performances to a new high level. In 2015, she won the “Golden Chrysanthemum Award” which is the highest magic award in China. In recent years, Ms.Ding Yang has successively show at the well-known magic stage such as French TV 2 and American Magic Live, demonstrating the style of Chinese young magicians.
辛亚飞 (Xin Yafei)
中国魔术“金菊奖”获得者。深圳市辛宽魔幻杂技艺术团有限公司总经理。辛亚飞出生于魔术世家,自幼便跟随父亲学习魔术,是一名全能和创作型魔术师。他擅长舞台、近景、大型魔术等,同时还创作了许多原创作品,得到许多魔术师的借鉴。扇子在中国有着深厚的文化底蕴,有着3000多年的历史。起初,扇子只在宫廷中使用,是权利的象征,之后才逐渐普及民间,供把玩、收藏和纳凉使用。 Mr.Xin Yafei has grown up in a magician family and has been deeply influenced by his father Mr.Xin Zhikuan who has engaged in magic art for 50 years. Their original illusions have been on numerous TV shows in China and have won multiple awards. Yafei’s magic trick “Fan Rhyme” perfectly combines the fan culture, classical dance and the magic art.Since 2000,Mr.Xin Yafei has won many awards at home and broad, including “Golden Chrysanthemum Award”which is the highest magic award in China,“Champion of FISM Asia”,as well as other numerous international awards. Fans in China have a profound cultural heritage, with a history of more than 3000 years. At first, fans were only used in the court as a symbol of power, and then gradually popularized among the people for playing, collecting and cooling.
杨小磊 (Yang Xiaolei)
杨小磊自12岁开始学习魔术,16岁获得天津魔术比赛金奖,并开始跟随天津杂技团进行出访演出。他娴熟的技艺和精湛的舞蹈动作给观众留下了深刻的印象。2015年他主演了由天津北方演艺集团斥巨资打造的大型主题魔术秀“魔幻空间”,获得世界广泛关注。 Mr. Yang Xiaolei is a very talent young magician. He began to learn magic at the age of 12, and won his first gold medal prize in the Magic Competition of Tianjin city at the age of 16.His great manipulation skills and excellent dance amazed the audience.In 2015, he performed as a leading role in the “Magic space”,a thematic magic illusion show produced by Tianjin Northern performing Arts Group, received great attention through out the world.
于泊然 (Yu Boran)
中国魔术“金菊奖”获得者。中国非物质文化遗产《古彩戏法》于派戏法传承人,中国杂技家协会会员,国际魔术师同业会会员。2015年荣获中国杂技金菊奖魔术节目奖。 Mr. Yu Boran is a talent magician and has rich experience of performing. He is the inheritor of Chinese intangible Cultural heritage “AncientMagic Tricks”. He is the member of many professional magician organizations, including China Acrobats Association, International Brotherhood of Magicians(IBM) and International Magicians Society(IMS). He won the “Golden Chrysanthemum Award” in 2015 which is the highest magic award in China.
朱明珠 (Zhu Mingzhu)
中国魔术“金菊奖”获得者。朱明珠于2009年开始学习魔术。他凭借浓厚的兴趣和坚韧的毅力苦练基本功,从日常随处可见的硬币、扑克牌开始练起。此外,他还不断创新,在传统的技法上融入现代元素,使传统魔术以新的面貌示人。他表演的《纸飞机》,运用了10多种道具和30多种魔术手法和技巧,集故事性、艺术性和观赏性于一体,给人们以全方位美的享受。 Mr. Zhu Mingzhu began to learn magic in 2009. With strong interest and perseverance, he started to practice magic from basic skills. In addition, he keep innovating magic trick constantly, incorporating modern elements into traditional magic tricks and bring the traditional magic tricks to a new life. His magic trick of “Paper Aircraft”,using over 10 kinds of props and 30 magic skills, integrate artistic and storytelling, giving people a full range of aesthetic enjoyment. In 2018, Mr. Zhu Mingzhu won the “Golden Chrysanthemum Award” which is the highest magic award in China.
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